Characterization of optimal strategies in matrix games with convexity properties

Characterization of optimal strategies in matrix games with convexity properties

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Article ID: iaor20013501
Country: Germany
Volume: 29
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 211
End Page Number: 227
Publication Date: Jan 2000
Journal: International Journal of Game Theory
Keywords: Matrix games

This paper gives a full characterization of matrices with rows and columns having properties closely related to the (quasi-) convexity–concavity of functions. The matrix games described by such payoff matrices well approximate continuous games on the unit square with payoff functions F(x, y) concave in x for each y, and convex in y for each x. It is shown that the optimal strategies in such matrix games have a very simple structure and a search-procedure is given. The results have a very close relationship with the known theorem of Debreu and Glicksberg about the existence of a pure Nash equilibrium in n-person games.


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