[0,1]-valued logic: A natural generalization of Boolean logic

[0,1]-valued logic: A natural generalization of Boolean logic

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Article ID: iaor20011954
Country: Serbia
Volume: 10
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 185
End Page Number: 216
Publication Date: Jul 2000
Journal: Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research
Keywords: logic, boolean programming

[0,1]-valued logic can be seen as a basis of decision making and reasoning complementary to ‘black & white’ reasoning. A new [0,1]-valued logic is presented in this paper. Classical (Boolean) {0,1}-valued logic can be treated as a special case of new [0,1]-valued logic. [0,1]-valued logical functions are a generalization of Boolean and/or pseudo-Boolean functions. All properties of classical logic are preserved in [0,1]-valued logic.


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