A decision analysis method for a tardy work in progress from the production cost point of view

A decision analysis method for a tardy work in progress from the production cost point of view

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Article ID: iaor20011249
Country: United States
Volume: 29
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 373
End Page Number: 388
Publication Date: Apr 1998
Journal: International Journal of Systems Science
Authors: ,

In a job shop production system, the delay of a work in progress may influence its successive processes and therefore possibly postpone the finishing time of the related product. As the delayed operations may require a common group of equipment and hence may affect one another, it would be a tedious task to find all of the affected operations in order to make a decision which will reduce the loss due to this tardy operation. A method which tries to find the minimum cost required to compensate a tardy operation in terms of three criteria is proposed. By using a TSSO diagram, this systematic method can analyse the influence on all of the subsequent operations of a tardy task and obtain an appropriate strategy which minimizes expense.


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