Restricted 2-factor polytopes

Restricted 2-factor polytopes

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Article ID: iaor2001988
Country: Germany
Volume: 87
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 87
End Page Number: 111
Publication Date: Jan 2000
Journal: Mathematical Programming
Authors: ,
Keywords: programming: travelling salesman

The optimal k-restricted 2-factor problem consists of finding, in a complete undirected graph Kn, a minimum cost 2-factor (subgraph having degree 2 at every node) with all components having more than k nodes. The problem is a relaxation of the well-known symmetric travelling salesman problem, and is equivalent to it when n/2 ≤ k ≤ n − 1. We study the k-restricted 2-factor polytope. We present a large class of valid inequalities, called bipartition inequalities, and describe some of their properties; some of these results are new even for the travelling salesman polytope. For the case k = 3, the triangle-free 2-factor polytope, we derive a necessary and sufficient condition for such inequalities to be facet inducing.


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