Nonlinear deterministic forecasting of daily dollar exchange rates

Nonlinear deterministic forecasting of daily dollar exchange rates

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Article ID: iaor20003862
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 15
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 421
End Page Number: 430
Publication Date: Oct 1999
Journal: International Journal of Forecasting
Authors: ,
Keywords: financial

We perform out-of-sample predictions on several dollar exchange rate returns by using time-delay embedding techniques and a local linear predictor. We compared our predictions with those by a mean value predictor. Some of our predictions of the exchange rate returns outperform the predictions of the same series by the mean value predictor. However, these improvements were not statistically significant. Another interesting result in this paper which was obtained by using a recently developed technique of nonlinear dynamics is that all exchange rate return series we tested have a very high embedding dimension. Additionally, evidence indicates that these series are likely generated by high dimensional systems with measurement noise or by high dimensional nonlinear stochastic systems, that is, nonlinear deterministic systems with dynamic noise.


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