Article ID: | iaor20003713 |
Country: | Germany |
Volume: | 50 |
Issue: | 2 |
Start Page Number: | 387 |
End Page Number: | 415 |
Publication Date: | Jan 1999 |
Journal: | Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (Heidelberg) |
Authors: | Rckmann J.-J. |
The paper deals with semi-infinite optimization problems which are defined by finitely many equality constraints and infinitely many inequality constraints. We generalize the concept of strongly stable stationary points which was introduced by Kojima for finite problems; it refers to the local existence and uniqueness of a stationary point for each sufficiently small perturbed problem, where perturbations up to second order are allowed. Under the extended Mangasarian–Fromovitz constraint qualification we present equivalent conditions for the strong stability of a considered stationary point in terms of first and second derivatives of the involved functions. In particular, we discuss the case where the reduction approach is not satisfied.