Lot streaming in job-shop scheduling

Lot streaming in job-shop scheduling

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Article ID: iaor20003468
Country: United States
Volume: 45
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 584
End Page Number: 595
Publication Date: Jul 1997
Journal: Operations Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: job shop

The issue in Lot Streaming is how to split lots into sublets in order to improve the makespan (or some other criterion). We present a model and an iterative procedure for a general job-shop environment. The procedure alternates between solving a lot-sizing problem with a given sequence of sublets on the machines, and a standard job-shop scheduling problem with fixed sublet sizes. We report the computational results on a significant sample of 120 job-shop and Bow-shop scheduling problems (including the famous 10–10). In case of no setup, in a few iterations, the makespan approaches a lower bound using very few sublets, suggesting that the procedure yields a global optimum. As a by-product, this result somehow validates the capacitated lot-sizing models in which the detailed capacity constraints, induced by the sequencing of operations, are ignored.


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