Bottleneck analysis in multiclass closed queueing networks and its application

Bottleneck analysis in multiclass closed queueing networks and its application

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Article ID: iaor20003184
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 31
Issue: 3/4
Start Page Number: 217
End Page Number: 237
Publication Date: Jan 1999
Journal: Queueing Systems
Authors: , ,
Keywords: networks: path

Asymptotic behaviour of queues is studied for large closed multi-class queueing networks consisting of one infinite server station with K classes and M processor sharing (PS) stations. A simple numerical procedure is derived that allows us to identify all bottleneck PS stations. The bottleneck station is defined asymptotically as the station where the number of customers grows proportionally to the total number of customers in the network, as the latter increases simultaneously with service rates at PS stations. For the case when K=M=2, the set of network parameters is identified that corresponds to each of the three possible types of behaviour in heavy traffic: both PS stations are bottlenecks, only one PS station is a bottleneck, and a group of two PS stations is a bottleneck while neither PS station forms a bottleneck by itself. In the last case both PS stations are equally loaded by each customer class and their individual queue lengths, normalized by the large parameter, converge to uniformly distributed random variables. These results are directly generalised for arbitary K=M. Generalisations for K ≠ M are also indicated. The case of two bottlenecks is illustrated by its application to the problem of dimensioning bandwidth for different data sources in packet-switched communication networks. An engineering rule is provided for determining the link rates such that a service objective on a per-class throughput is satisfied.


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