A mixed method of nonlinear programming and its uses in the structural project of ocean structures

A mixed method of nonlinear programming and its uses in the structural project of ocean structures

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Article ID: iaor20002443
Country: Brazil
Volume: 18
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 81
End Page Number: 108
Publication Date: Dec 1998
Journal: Pesquisa Operacional
Keywords: engineering

This work contains a basic non-linear programming algorithm useful for the computer aided design of ocean structures. It is a evolution of the Nelder and Mead algorithm on which some improvements were incorporated in order to make it more robust, faster and widely applicable to find the minimum of a function of several variables under equality and inequality non-linear constraints. It was also adapted to operate with discrete variables such those found in designing structures and tested against other traditional algorithms. The results show the good achievements and rank the algorithm as optional tool for computer aided engineering design instead of the old spiral design process. It was tested in the structural design of a Patrol Boat and has proved to be a powerful tool decreasing the time expended in preliminary design when it is done by the conventional spiral approach.


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