How canonical is the canonical model? A comment on Aumann's interactive epistemology

How canonical is the canonical model? A comment on Aumann's interactive epistemology

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Article ID: iaor20002292
Country: Germany
Volume: 28
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 435
End Page Number: 442
Publication Date: Jan 1999
Journal: International Journal of Game Theory

Aumann argued that the natural partitions on the space of all maximally consistent sets of formulas in multi-player S5 logic are necessarily ‘commonly known’ by the players. We show, however, that there are many other sets of partitions on this space that conform with the formulas that build the states – as many as there are subsets of the continuum! Thus, assuming a set of partitions on this space is ‘common knowledge’ is an informal but meaningful meta-assumption.


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