Dynamic lot-sizing with price changes and price-dependent holding costs

Dynamic lot-sizing with price changes and price-dependent holding costs

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Article ID: iaor2000650
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 111
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 114
End Page Number: 128
Publication Date: Nov 1998
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: lot sizing

This paper proposes a new formulation of the dynamic lot-sizing problem with price changes which considers the unit inventory holding costs in a period as a function of the procurement decisions made in previous periods. In Section 1, the problem is defined and some of its fundamental properties are identified. A dynamic programming approach is developed to solve it when solutions are restricted to sequential extreme flows, and results from location theory are used to derive an O(T2) algorithm which provides a provably optimal solution of an integer linear programming formulation of the general problem. In Section 2, a heuristic is developed for the case where the inventory carrying rates and the order costs are constant, and where the item price can change once during the planning horizon. Permanent price increases, permanent price decreases and temporary price reductions are considered. In Section 3, extensive testing of the various optimal and heuristic algorithms is reported. Our results show that, in this context, the two following intuitive actions usually lead to near optimal solutions: accumulate stock at the lower price just prior to price increase and cut short on orders when a price decrease is imminent.


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