Minimal cost linkages in graphs

Minimal cost linkages in graphs

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Article ID: iaor2000429
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 86
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 295
End Page Number: 319
Publication Date: Mar 1999
Journal: Annals of Operations Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: graphs, optimization: simulated annealing

In this paper, we consider the problem of finding minimal cost linkages in graphs. We discuss how this problem arises in practice and, in particular, its relevance to the military. Given a graph G with an associated cost function and a multiset of vertex pairs, we address the problem of finding a linkage of minimal cost. From this optimisation problem, we are able to define the decision problems Min–Sum Non-Intersecting Paths (MSNP) and Min–Max Non-Intersecting Paths (MMNP), and prove their NP-completeness. We also show that for fixed k ≥ 2, where k denotes the number of terminal pairs, MMNP remains NP-complete. We also define restricted versions of the problems, MMNP(r) and MSNP(r), where linkages may only be defined over the r cheapest paths between each vertex pair. For fixed r ≥ 3, we show the restricted problems remain NP-complete and discuss the limitations of the restriction. We include a case study which demonstrates the advantages of using heuristic methods, such as genetic algorithms and simulated annealing, to find solutions to the optimisation problem MSNP(r).


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