Optimal placement of add/drop multiplexers: Static and dynamic models

Optimal placement of add/drop multiplexers: Static and dynamic models

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Article ID: iaor19992945
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 108
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 26
End Page Number: 35
Publication Date: Jul 1998
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: programming: integer, heuristics

We study further a problem that has arisen recently in the design of telecommunications transmission networks at France Telecom. Given a set of centers in a city or conglomeration linked together on a ring architecture, given the expected demands between the centers and an essentially unlimited availability of rings of fixed capacity on the network, we assign demand pairs and corresponding add/drop multiplexers to the rings so as to satisfy the demands and minimize the number of ‘costly’ multiplexers installed.


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