The node capacitated graph partitioning problem: A computational study

The node capacitated graph partitioning problem: A computational study

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Article ID: iaor19992611
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 81
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 229
End Page Number: 256
Publication Date: Apr 1998
Journal: Mathematical Programming
Authors: , , , ,

In this paper we consider the problem of k-partitioning the nodes of a graph with capacity restrictions on the sum of the node weights in each subset of the partition, and the objective of minimizing the sum of the costs of the edges between the subsets of the partition. Based on a study of valid inequalities, we present a variety of separation heuristics for cycle, cycle with ears, knapsack tree and path-block cycle inequalities among others. The separation heuristics, plus primal heuristics, have been implemented in a branch-and-cut routine using a formulation including variables for the edges with nonzero costs and node partition variables. Results are presented for three classes of problems: equipartitioning problems arising in finite element methods and partitioning problems associated with electronic circuit layout and compiler design.


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