Global one-dimensional optimization using smooth auxiliary functions

Global one-dimensional optimization using smooth auxiliary functions

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Article ID: iaor19992568
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 81
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 127
End Page Number: 146
Publication Date: Mar 1998
Journal: Mathematical Programming

In this paper new global optimization algorithms are proposed for solving problems where the objective function is univariate and has Lipschitzean first derivatives. To solve this problem, smooth auxiliary functions, which are adaptively improved during the course of the search, are constructed. Three new algorithms are introduced: the first used the exact a priori known Lipschitz constant for derivatives; the second, when this constant is unknown, estimates it during the course of the search and finally, the last method uses neither the exact global Lipschitz constant nor its estimate but instead adaptively estimates the local Lipschitz constants in different sectors of the search region during the course of optimization. Convergence conditions of the methods are investigated from a general viewpoint and some numerical results are also given.


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