Demand promotion by upgradation under a stock-dependent demand situation – a model

Demand promotion by upgradation under a stock-dependent demand situation – a model

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Article ID: iaor19992154
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 55
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 31
End Page Number: 38
Publication Date: Jun 1998
Journal: International Journal of Production Economics
Authors: , ,
Keywords: inventory

The idea of demand promotion by upgrading the existing system of the selling centre has been modelled in this article. The consumption rate is assumed to be dependent on the stock level. The problem has been reduced to a maximizing problem. The algorithmic approach for solving this maximizing problem is also provided. Objective is to maximize the net profit over a prescribed time. An increasing convex upgradation cost is considered. Exponential upgradation cost has been considered for the numerical examples.


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