Two engineering applications of a constrained shortest-path model

Two engineering applications of a constrained shortest-path model

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Article ID: iaor19991909
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 103
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 426
End Page Number: 438
Publication Date: Dec 1997
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: programming: integer, networks: path

This paper presents integer programming models for the determination of (a) optimal sequences of wastewater treatment processes, and (b) minimum cost, energy efficient composite wall and roof structures. The first model has been used to determine optimal sequences of wastewater treatment processes for a combined industrial and sanitary wastewater facility in Kuwait. The second model was used to assist design engineers in meeting government standards for the thermal resistance of building structures. Remarkably, the two models have essentially the same structure: a shortest path model with additional linear side constraints. The two practical applications are described and solved, and computational experience is discussed.


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