Effect of the battery energy-storage system on the time-of-use rates industrial customers

Effect of the battery energy-storage system on the time-of-use rates industrial customers

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Article ID: iaor19982755
Country: United States
Volume: 141
Issue: 5
Start Page Number: 521
End Page Number: 528
Publication Date: May 1994
Journal: IEEE Proceedings Generation Transmission and Distribution
Authors: ,
Keywords: programming: dynamic

The paper develops a new algorithm named the advanced multi-pass dynamic programming (AMPDP), and it applies this algorithm to the solution of the optimal operation schedule of the battery energy storage (BES) system of time-of-use rates industrial customers. A suitable BES model is also presented. Two industrial customers with one year of recorded load curves are used as examples to test this algorithm. The results show that this algorithm can quickly converge to the optimal operation schedule while meeting all constraints. Therefore, the effect of BES on the time-of-use rates industrial customers can be studied.


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