An exact algorithm for project scheduling with multiple modes

An exact algorithm for project scheduling with multiple modes

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Article ID: iaor19982675
Country: Germany
Volume: 19
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 195
End Page Number: 203
Publication Date: Jan 1997
Journal: OR Spektrum
Authors: , ,
Keywords: programming: integer

We consider an extension of the classical resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP), which covers discrete resource–resource and time–resource tradeoffs. As a result a project scheduler is permitted to identify several alternatives or modes of accomplishment for each activity of the project. The solution procedure to be presented is a considerable generalization of the branch-and-bound algorithm proposed by Demeulemeester and Herroelen, which is currently the most powerful method for optimally solving the RCPSP. More precisely, we extend their concept of delay alternatives by introducing mode alternatives. The basic enumeration scheme is enhanced by dominance rules which increase the performance of the algorithm. We then report on our computational results obtained from the comparison with the most rapid procedure reported in the literature.


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