A systematic approach for a Leitstand solution integrated implantation

A systematic approach for a Leitstand solution integrated implantation

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Article ID: iaor1998817
Country: Brazil
Volume: 4
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 108
End Page Number: 116
Publication Date: Apr 1997
Journal: Gesto & Produo
Authors: ,
Keywords: production

The changes in the world scenario are carrying the manufacturing enterprises towards a need for flexibility increase. The Production Planning and Control (PPC) function is one of the first areas that will be in position to have these changes. Leitstand systems are a tool whose purpose is to help the PPC to achieve this flexibility. The Leitstand systems make the link between the shop floor dynamics and the production planning environment, and its implantation is a critical factor. The Leitstand system needs to be integrated with other manufacturing supporting systems. The objective of this work is to propose a systematic approach to a Leitstand systems integrated implantation. This proposal was tried in a simulated environment, called Fábrica Integrada Modelo, and was tested and validated.


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