Safety stock determination with serially correlated demand in a periodic-review inventory system

Safety stock determination with serially correlated demand in a periodic-review inventory system

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Article ID: iaor1998565
Country: Brazil
Volume: 4
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 140
End Page Number: 149
Publication Date: Aug 1997
Journal: Gesto & Produo
Authors: , ,
Keywords: time series & forecasting methods

We consider a periodic-review inventory replenishment model with an order-up-to-R operating doctrine for the case of deterministic lead times and a covariance-stationary stochastic demand process. A method is derived for setting the inventory safety stock to achieve an exact desired stockout probability when the autocovariance function for Gaussian demand is known. Because the method does not require the parametric time-series models be fitted to the data, it is easily implemented in practice. Moreover, the method is shown to be asymptotically valid when the autocovariance function of demand is estimated from historical data. The effects on the stockout rate of various levels of autocorrelated demand are demonstrated for situations in which autocorrelation in demand goes undetected or is ignored by the inventory manager. Similarly, the changes to the required level of safety stock are demonstrated for varying levels of autocorrelation.


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