Stochastic allocation of a resource among partially interchangeable activities

Stochastic allocation of a resource among partially interchangeable activities

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Article ID: iaor199841
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 74
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 528
End Page Number: 539
Publication Date: May 1994
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: health services, programming: probabilistic

This paper examines the problem of allocating an available amount of a particular resource among partially interchangeable activities, when the demands for the activities are strongly correlated continuous random variables. The problem is formulated as a stochastic program with complete recourse and it is reduced to a deterministic convex allocation problem through parametric programming. A general solution procedure is proposed. An important application of the problem studied deals with the allocation of the budget of a nursing unit in a hospital to registered nurses, licenced practical nurses and aides. The case of three activities is therefore studied in detail to obtain a solution algorithm as efficient as possible.


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