Two methods for the solution of the mixed binary problem: A comparison of their computational efficiency

Two methods for the solution of the mixed binary problem: A comparison of their computational efficiency

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Article ID: iaor1998398
Country: Cuba
Volume: 17
Issue: 1/3
Start Page Number: 41
End Page Number: 46
Publication Date: Jan 1996
Journal: Revista de Investigacin Operacional
Authors: ,

Our main objective is to solve the following problem: min cx + dy, s.t. Ax + By = b, y ≥ 0, x ∈ [0, 1]. Gomory's algorithm for the integer mixed problem and a lift and project cutting plane algorithm for mixed 0–1 problems due to Balas, were implemented. Balas's method uses in an explicit way the binary character of the variables. A comparison between the two methods with respect to the number of cuts and the execution time is done.


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