Integer knapsack and flow covers with divisible coefficients: Polyhedra, optimization and separation

Integer knapsack and flow covers with divisible coefficients: Polyhedra, optimization and separation

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Article ID: iaor19971032
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 59
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 57
End Page Number: 74
Publication Date: Apr 1995
Journal: Discrete Applied Mathematics
Authors: ,
Keywords: optimization

Three regions arising as surrogates in certain network design problems are the knapsack set equ1, the simple capacitated flow set equ2 and the set equ3 where the capacity equ4 is an integer multiple equ5 for all j. The authors present algorithms for optimization over the sets X and Y as well as different descriptions of the convex hulls and fast combinatorial algorithms for separation. Some partial results are given for the set Z and another extension.


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