Use of piecewise-linear continuous optimal-control for time-delay systems

Use of piecewise-linear continuous optimal-control for time-delay systems

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Article ID: iaor19961909
Country: United States
Volume: 34
Issue: 11
Start Page Number: 4136
End Page Number: 4139
Publication Date: Nov 1995
Journal: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: programming: dynamic

By using piecewise linear continuous control, rather than piecewise constant control, excellent control can be obtained with the use of a relatively small number of stages. For nonlinear systems, the use of a multipass method in iterative dynamic programming (IDP) is convenient and effective in obtaining convergence to the optimum. However, a good initial control policy, which can be readily obtained by the use of Taylor series approximation and piecewise constant control, may be necessary. Computational experience with a two-stage CSTR system shows the viability of using IDP for typical chemical engineering systems with time delays.


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