Simulation in evaluation of scheduling policies in composites manufacturing

Simulation in evaluation of scheduling policies in composites manufacturing

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Article ID: iaor19961663
Country: Brazil
Volume: 1
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 239
End Page Number: 249
Publication Date: Dec 1994
Journal: Gesto & Produo
Authors: ,
Keywords: simulation: applications

An assesment was made of the technology of manufacturing simulation of discrete part manufacturing for specific applications of a small polymer composites company. The objectives were: Assess potential use for optimizing existing operations or for planning future projects and expansion; Select suitable software; Identify needed resources; and Recommend an implementation plan. It should be emphasized that the scope of the assessment was very specific to a small company’s needs and that the search was limited to existing software packages that were easy to use and low in cost. Simulation was applied to a new project, fabrication and carpeting of tire covers and seat backs for two automotive models. The Structural Reaction Injection Molding process was used for fabrication and carpet was applied in a bonding and assembly section. Capital and materials handling schemes has been determined previously, leaving operating modes and scheduling options as primary systems unknowns. Simulation of the process in operation provided a systems perspective leading to recommendations of operating strategies that were not obvious.


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