Manufacture productivity I-Quick improvement method of the manufacture productivity

Manufacture productivity I-Quick improvement method of the manufacture productivity

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Article ID: iaor19961662
Country: Brazil
Volume: 1
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 217
End Page Number: 238
Publication Date: Dec 1994
Journal: Gesto & Produo
Keywords: productivity

The quick improvement method of manufacturing productivity is based on the reduction or on the elimination of the machine/operator/material inactive time, exclusively. The inactive time of these three elements is recognized to be main cause of inefficiency. The method here discussed is especially applicable to Brazilian manufacturing industry (which represents 17% of the PIB). It utilizes five of the most simple, elementary and well-known techniques and it is applicable to the most frequent situations of manufacturing industries. The experience of the author shows that the method can improve productivity by more than 30% in a short time (in one particular enterprise, it was possible to improve the productivity of its machining department by 160%). The application of the method and the implementation of its suggested rules are carried out with ease, and consequently, the results appear very quickly. Other papers will detail the object of the study.


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