A heuristic algorithm for the reliability-oriented fine assignment in a Distributed Computing System

A heuristic algorithm for the reliability-oriented fine assignment in a Distributed Computing System

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Article ID: iaor1996597
Country: United States
Volume: 29
Issue: 10
Start Page Number: 85
End Page Number: 104
Publication Date: May 1995
Journal: Computers & Mathematics with Applications
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: control

Distributed Computing Systems (DCS) have become a major trend in today’s computer system design because of their high speed and high reliability. Reliability is an important performance parameter in DCS design. Usually, designers add redundant copies of software and/or hardware to increase the system’s reliability. Thus, the distribution of data files can affect the program reliability and system reliability. The reliability-oriented file assignment problem is to find a file distribution such that the program reliability or system reliabilty is maximized. In this paper, the authors develop a heuristic algorithm for the reliability-oriented file assignment problem (HROFA), which uses a careful reduction method to reduce the problem space. The numeical results indicate that the HROFA algorithm obtains the exact solution in most cases and the computation time is significantly shorter than that needed for an exact method. When HROFA fails to give an exact solution, the derivation from the exact solution is very small.


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