Probabilities within optimal strategies for tournament games

Probabilities within optimal strategies for tournament games

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Article ID: iaor1996260
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 56
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 87
End Page Number: 91
Publication Date: Jan 1995
Journal: Discrete Applied Mathematics
Authors: ,
Keywords: graphs, optimization

Let T be a tournament. The tournament game on T is: Two players independently pick a node. If both pick the same node, the game is tied. Otherwise, the player whose node is at the tail of the arc connecting the two nodes wins. Fisher and Ryan showed that for any tournament T, the tournament game on T has a unique optimal strategy. If one node beats all others, the optimal strategy always picks that node. Otherwise, the authors show the probability that a node is picked in the optimal strategy is at most 1/3. They also find bounds on the minimum nonzero probability of a node in the optimal strategy.


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