Asymptotic properties of first passage times for tandem Jackson networks I: Buildup of large queue lengths

Asymptotic properties of first passage times for tandem Jackson networks I: Buildup of large queue lengths

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Article ID: iaor19952314
Country: United States
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 133
End Page Number: 162
Publication Date: Feb 1995
Journal: Stochastic Models
Authors: ,
Keywords: Jackson network

The authors consider d M/M/1 queues in series. Asymptotic expansions are constructed for the mean time until the total customer population in the network reaches a large number K. The present approach employs formal asymptotic techniques such as boundary layer theory and matched asymptotic expansions. The authors give formulas which show that the mean time behaves as αK’βexp(γK) for K⇒•, where α,β,γ are explicitly given in terms of the arrival and service rates.


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