A decomposition theorem and related results for the discriminatory processor sharing queue

A decomposition theorem and related results for the discriminatory processor sharing queue

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Article ID: iaor19952308
Country: United States
Volume: 18
Issue: 3/4
Start Page Number: 333
End Page Number: 351
Publication Date: Nov 1994
Journal: Queueing Systems
Authors: ,

In this paper, the authors study a discriminatory processor sharing queue with Poisson arrivals, K classes and general service times. For this queue, they prove a decomposition theorem for the conditional sojourn time of a tagged customer given the service times and class affiliations of the customers present in the system when the tagged customer arrives. The authors show that this conditional sojourn time can be decomposed into n+1 components if there are n customers present when the tagged customer arrives. Further, they show that these n+1 components can be obtained as a solution of a system of non-linear integral equations. These results generalize known results about the M/G/1 egalitarian processor sharing queue.


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