Efficient service in public transit companies as a means of competition

Efficient service in public transit companies as a means of competition

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Article ID: iaor19952168
Country: Germany
Volume: 5
Start Page Number: 227
End Page Number: 252
Publication Date: Jun 1994
Journal: Zeitschrift fur Planung
Authors: ,

Nowadays public transit companies observe structural changes caused by, e.g., external aspects. Most important in this respect is, besides the situation of the communal finances, the competition between public transit and motorized individual traffic. Recent discussions focusing on more deregulation, however, do not solve the overall structural problems. The main objective of respective companies has to be an increase in the attractivity and efficiency of providing service within public transport. To achieve this goal the use of computer-aided systems in the planning and operational control of transit companies forms a substantial basis. Recent studies have shown the importance and utility of integrated information systems in the achievement of considerable improvements. However, further steps towards more competitiveness of public transit companies are necessary.


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