Modeling and simulation of pedestrian traffic flow

Modeling and simulation of pedestrian traffic flow

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Article ID: iaor19951783
Country: United States
Volume: 28B
Issue: 6
Start Page Number: 429
End Page Number: 443
Publication Date: Dec 1994
Journal: Transportation Research. Part B: Methodological
Keywords: simulation: applications

Questions about the efficiency and safety of pedestrian traffic systems are of major importance in the planning and design of such systems. As the use of functional-or performance-based-requirements becomes more popular, there is also an increasing need for methods and tools which can be used to evaluate if these functional requirements are met. This article presents a stochastic model based on the following assumptions: Any pedestrian facility can be modeled as a network of walkway sections. Pedestrian flow in this network can be modeled as a queueing network process, where each pedestrian is treated as a separate flow object, interacting with the other objects. Such a microscopic model is useful because it makes detailed modeling of human behavior possible. This article also presents a simulation tool, of which the main objective is to estimate the relevant performance measures of the pedestrian traffic system. The article includes two examples.


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