Object-oriented analysis for simulation

Object-oriented analysis for simulation

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Article ID: iaor19951157
Country: Australia
Volume: 13
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 2
End Page Number: 8
Publication Date: Dec 1994
Journal: ASOR Bulletin
Keywords: object-oriented programming

This paper discussed the application of object-oriented analysis to discrete-event simulation modelling. It argues that the object-oriented approach is superior to conventional approaches to simulation model development, and that object-oriented analysis and design are important stages in the process. The nature of object-oriented analysis for simulation is discussed and exemplified by the popular object-oriented methodology Object Modelling Technique (OMT). A simple queueing simulation specified by means of OMT and implemented in CÅ+Å+ is discussed, and the object and dynamic models at the analysis stage explained. Some important design and implementation issues are discussed briefly.


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