A constraint generation scheme to probabilistic linear problems with an application to power system expansion planning

A constraint generation scheme to probabilistic linear problems with an application to power system expansion planning

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Article ID: iaor1995597
Country: Switzerland
Volume: 50
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 367
End Page Number: 385
Publication Date: Sep 1994
Journal: Annals of Operations Research
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: constraint handling languages

In this paper, the authors first describe a constraint generation scheme for probabilistic mixed integer programming problems. Next, they present a decomposition approach to the peak capacity expansion planning of interconnected hydrothermal generating systems, with bounds on the transmission capacity between the regions. The objective is to minimize investments in generating units and interconnection links, subject to constraints on supply reliability. The problem is formulated as a stochastic integer program. The constraint generation scheme, which is similar to Benders decomposition, is applied in the solution of the peak capacity expansion problem. The master problem in this decomposition scheme is an integer program, solved by implicit enumeration. The operating subproblem corresponds to a stochastic network flow problem, and is solved by a maximum flow algorithm and Monte Carlo simulation. The approach is illustrated through a case study involving the expansion of the system of the Brazilian Southeastern region.


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