Worst-case analysis of greedy algorithms for the unbounded knapsack, subset-sum and partition problems

Worst-case analysis of greedy algorithms for the unbounded knapsack, subset-sum and partition problems

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Article ID: iaor1995260
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 14
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 215
End Page Number: 220
Publication Date: Nov 1993
Journal: Operations Research Letters

The paper presents an equ1 greedy algorithm with a worst-case performance ratio equ2 for the unbounded knapsack problem, an equ3 greedy algorithm with a worst-case performance ratio of equ4 for the subset-sum problem, and an equ5 greedy algorithm with a worst-case performance ratio of equ6 for the partition problem. These greedy algorithms, in the sense of worst-case performance, are better than other known equ7 greedy algorithms.


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