Some integer programs arising in the design of main frame computers

Some integer programs arising in the design of main frame computers

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Article ID: iaor19941661
Country: Germany
Volume: 38
Start Page Number: 77
End Page Number: 100
Publication Date: Feb 1993
Journal: Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (Heidelberg)
Authors: , , , , ,
Keywords: programming: integer

In this paper the authors describe and discuss a problem that arises in the (global) design of a main frame computer. The task is to assign certain functional units to a given number of so called multi chip modules or printed circuit boards taking into account many technical constraints and minimizing a complex objective function. The authors describe the real world problem. A thorough mathematical modelling of all aspects of this problem results in a rather complicated integer program that seems to be hopelessly difficult-at least for the present state of integer programming technology. The authors introduce several relaxations of the general model, which are also 𝒩𝒫-hard, but seem to be more easily accessible. The mathematical relations between the relaxations and the exact formulation of the problem are discussed as well.


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