Periodic-review inventory models with inventory-level-dependent demand

Periodic-review inventory models with inventory-level-dependent demand

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Article ID: iaor19941337
Country: United States
Volume: 41
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 99
End Page Number: 116
Publication Date: Feb 1994
Journal: Naval Research Logistics
Authors: ,
Keywords: purchasing

Demand for some items can depend on the inventory level on display, a phenomenon often exploited by marketing researchers and practitioners. The implications of this phenomenon have received scant attention in the context of periodic-review inventory control models. The authors develop an approach to model periodic-review production/inventory problems where the demand in any period depends randomly, in a very general form, on the starting inventory level. They first obtain a complete analytical solution for a single-period model. The authors then investigate two multiperiod models, one with lost sales and the other with backlogging, whose optimal policies turn out to be myopic. Some extensions are also discussed.


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