A distributed exact algorithm for the Multiple Resource Constrained Sequencing Problem

A distributed exact algorithm for the Multiple Resource Constrained Sequencing Problem

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Article ID: iaor1994123
Country: Switzerland
Volume: 42
Issue: 1/4
Start Page Number: 25
End Page Number: 54
Publication Date: Jun 1993
Journal: Annals of Operations Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: programming: travelling salesman

Sequencing problems arise in the context of process scheduling both in isolation and as subproblems for general scenarios. Such sequencing problems can often be posed as an extension of the Traveling Salesman Problem. We present an exact parallel branch and bound algorithm for solving the Multiple Resource Constrained Traveling Salesman Problem, which provides a platform for addressing a variety of process sequencing problems. The algorithm is based on a linear programming relaxation that incorporates two families of inequalities via cutting plane techniques. Computational results show that the lower bounds provided by this method are strong for the types of problem generators that were considered by the authors as well as for some industrially derived sequencing instances. The branch and bound algorithm is parallelized using the processor workshop model on a network of workstations connected via Ethernet. Results are presented for instances with up to 75 cities, 3 resource constraints, and 8 workstations.


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