Some data for applying the bowl phenomenon to large production line systems

Some data for applying the bowl phenomenon to large production line systems

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Article ID: iaor19932158
Country: United States
Volume: 31
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 811
End Page Number: 822
Publication Date: Apr 1993
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: bowl phenomenon

The bowl phenomenon provides a way of increasing the throughput of some production line systems with variable processing times by purposely unbalancing the line in a certain manner. However, previously available numerical results for applying the bowl phenomenon have been quite limited. The authors extend these numerical results here by obtaining the optimal allocation of work for somewhat larger cases than previously considered. They also develop some guidelines and data for extrapolating these results to estimate the optimal allocation of work for even larger production lines that are beyond the reach of exact solution methods. The results cover a broad cross-section of values of both buffer capacities and the coefficient of variation of processing times.


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