Keyword: optimal pricing

Found 12 papers in total
Dynamic pricing ‐ The next revolution in RM?
Existing revenue management systems (RMS) base their recommendations on historic...
Revenue management, pricing and the consumer
Revenue Management (RM) emerged as a specific discipline in the mid‐1980s....
Pricing strategy in the presence of reference prices with thresholds
Reference price models allow for the explicit incorporation of inter‐temporal...
Optimizing prices for consumer credit
Pricing of consumer credit was long considered to be straightforward. However, the...
Dynamic pricing of high-speed rail with transport competition
In recent years, high‐speed rails (HSR) have received strong attention in the...
Fluid approximation to pricing batched products with no product type mixing within batches
We consider a vendor selling a combined offer of multiple product types plus delivery,...
Optimal pricing models in B2B organizations
This article discusses the application of value‐based pricing strategies in B2B...
Strategic price positioning for revenue management: The effects of relative price position and fluctuation on performance
Emerging price optimization models systematically incorporate competitor price...
Optimal wholesale price for producer in supply chain under newsboy environment
The lifecycles of technology‐based products are rapidly becoming shorter...
Complexity of solution structures in nonlinear pricing
This paper characterizes and enumerates the possible solution structures in nonlinear...
The effect of discounts on optimal pricing under limited capacity
This paper considers the problem of optimal pricing in a system serving two classes of...
Optimal pricing and inelasticity
The concept of demand price elasticity is fundamental in economics but the rare case...
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