Keyword: prisoner's dilemma

Found 11 papers in total
Conditions for Cooperation to be More Abundant than Defection in a Hierarchically Structured Population
We study conditions for weak selection to favor tit‐for‐tat (TFT) over...
Why do groups cooperate more than individuals to reduce risks?
Previous research has discovered a curious phenomenon: groups cooperate less than...
Finitely repeated prisoners’ dilemma experiments without a commonly known end
Using a symmetric two‐player prisoners’ dilemma as base game, each player...
The continuous prisoner's dilemma and the evolution of cooperation through reciprocal altruism with variable investment
Understanding the evolutionary origin and persistence of cooperative behavior is a...
On the existence and efficiency of the von Neumann–Morgenstern stable set in a n-player prisoners' dilemma
We show that there exist von Neumann–Morgenstern (vN–M) stable sets in a n...
Cumbersome coordination in repeated games
This paper examines the role communication between players might serve in enabling...
Convergence of aspirations and (partial) cooperation in the prisoner's dilemma
This paper proposes an aspiration-based dynamic model for cooperation where a large...
The effect of punishment duration of trigger strategies and quasifinite continuation probabilities for prisoner's dilemmas
Limiting inspection to publicly correlated strategies linearizes the problem of...
Unilateral commitment in the finitely repeated prisoners’ dilemma
In this paper, we modify the finitely repeated prisoners’ dilemma by adding an...
Geometric versions of finite games: Prisoner’s dilemma, entry deterrence and a cyclical majority paradox
The paper provides geometric versions of finite, two-person games in the course of...
Cooperation by indirect revelation through strategic behavior
The paper deals with a one-shot prisoners’ dilemma when the players have an...
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