Keyword: Lagrangean relaxation

Found 11 papers in total
Lagrangean/surrogate relaxation for generalized assignment problems
This work presents Lagrangean/surrogate relaxation to the problem of maximum profit...
Efficient cuts in Lagrangean ‘relax-and-cut’ schemes
Lagrangean relaxation produces bounds on the optimal value of (mixed) integer...
A tree search algorithm for the crew scheduling problem
In this paper we consider the crew scheduling problem, that is the problem of...
Lagrangean relaxation: A short course
This paper presents the necessary background for understanding and designing efficient...
Average shadow price in a Mixed Integer Linear Programming problem
Recently a new concept of shadow price, the average shadow price, based on the average...
Solution of a tinned iron purchasing problem by Lagrangean relaxation
A tin factory obtains its material from steel works. This consists of sheets of tinned...
A new Lagrangian relaxation based algorithm for a class of multidimensional assignment problems
Large classes of data association problems in multiple target tracking applications...
New formulation and relaxation to solve a concave-cost network flow problem
This paper studies a minimum cost, multicommodity network flow problem in which the...
New lower and upper bounds for scheduling around a small common due date
The authors consider the single-machine problem of scheduling n jobs to minimize the...
The use of Lagrangean Relaxation in the solution of uncapacitated facility location problems
This paper reviews the use of Lagrangean Relaxation in the solution of uncapacitated...
The multiple Bottleneck Transportation Problem
An extension to the Bottleneck Transportation Problem (BTP) is considered wherein a...
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