Keyword: cooperation

Found 18 papers in total
An empirical evaluation of existing IS change theories for the case of IOIS evolution
The phenomenon of inter‐organizational information systems (IOIS) evolution has...
Knowledge transfer and creation in international strategic alliances: a multi-level perspective
In practice, it is easy to observe a nested relationship between international...
Knowledge transfer in alliances: the moderating role of the alliance type
We analyse how the impact of determinants of inter‐firm knowledge transfers in...
Conditions for Cooperation to be More Abundant than Defection in a Hierarchically Structured Population
We study conditions for weak selection to favor tit‐for‐tat (TFT) over...
Trading reserved capacity independently among supply chains
We propose a novel mechanism for pooling the reserved capacity (super capacity) of...
A biochemically inspired coordination‐based model for simulating intracellular signalling pathways
Modelling the interaction among system components is a fundamental issue in complex...
Status and relationships in social dilemmas of teams
A social dilemma occurs when it is optimal for each member of a team to act in his own...
Coordinating a decentralized supply chain with customer returns and price‐dependent stochastic demand using a buyback policy
We investigate a decentralized supply chain that consists of a manufacturer and a...
Cooperative advertising in a distribution channel with fairness concerns
Cooperative (co‐op) advertising has been widely used in practice and employed...
Double marginalization and coordination in the supply chain with uncertain supply
This paper explores a generalized supply chain model subject to supply uncertainty...
Brand value in horizontal alliances: the case of twin‐cars
Rival firms often cooperate horizontally in order to share risks and achieve scale...
Comarketing Alliances: Should You Contract on Actions or Outcomes?
Comarketing alliances often involve multiple partners, and a given partner's marketing...
The Cultural Category of Cooperation: A Cultural Consensus Model Analysis for China and the United States
We provide evidence that cooperation is a cultural category, and that what it means to...
The choice of governance mode in ICT alliances: A property rights approach
We employed a property rights approach to formulate a set of hypotheses explaining the...
Self‐adaptive air‐sea simulation based on multi‐sensors agentification
Combat Management System training uses simulation of an overall tactical situation....
Interfacing heterogeneous PDM systems using the PLM Services
A PDM (Product Data Management) system allows improved management of the engineering...
Redefining the Game in Local Water Management Conflict: A Case Study
The article intends to bring a new perspective on conflict and cooperation analysis...
An analysis of supply chain coordination in a multi-agent market
This paper uses a coalitional game to model the market-based matching resulting from...
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