Keyword: ELECTRE

Found 5 papers in total
ELECTREGKMS: Robust ordinal regression for outranking methods
We present a new method, called ELECTRE GKMS , which employs robust ordinal regression...
Una Vision ElectreAl Posicionamiento Competitivo Que Considera La No Racionalidad
An Electre Vision to the Competitive Position that values the Absence of Rationality....
Drsoft: Un Soporte Computacional Papa El Diseno De Rutas De Distribucion
The planning of distribution routes is one of the main problems commonly faced by the...
CL E KMODES: a modified k-modes clustering algorithm
In this paper we present a new method for clustering categorical data sets named...
About the meaning of dependencies between criteria meaning: how to take them into account for decision aiding?
Let F be a family of criteria built for assessing a comprehensive preference model on...
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