Keyword: Portugal

Found 12 papers in total
Export experience counts: exploring its effect on product design change
In this paper, we explore how managers' export experience can affect the change in...
Estimating the efficiency of Portuguese hospitals using an appropriate production technology
This paper investigates the production technology of Portuguese hospitals using...
Competing Values Framework and its impact on the intellectual capital dimensions: evidence from different Portuguese organizational sectors
Organizational culture and intellectual capital (IC) have been important topics in the...
Valuation of projects for power generation with renewable energy: A comparative study based on real regulatory options
This comparative study evaluates an investment project on renewable energy based on...
You want them to remember? Then make it memorable! Means for enhancing operations research education
In this article I summarize the main points I made in the keynote presentation of the...
The influence of green practices on supply chain performance: A case study approach
The main objective of this exploratory paper is to investigate the relationships...
The fuzziness of Montado landscapes: progress in assessing user preferences through photo‐based surveys
The European Landscape Convention (2000) states that landscape is an important...
Big and beautiful? On non‐parametrically measuring scale economies in non‐convex technologies
Knowledge on the scale economies drives the incentives of regulators, governments and...
Managing solid waste through discrete location analysis: A case study in central Portugal
In order to meet European Union Directive 1999/31/EC, ERSUC, the company...
DSS application to the development of water management strategies in Ribeiras do Algarve river basin
Within the Project – ‘Developing Strategies for Regulating and Managing...
An overview of the Portuguese wind power sector
The present situation of electricity production from renewable energy sources (RES) in...
Recovery logistics management in Portugal
Following the communitarian politics, Portugal has to implement wasted management...
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