Journal: European Review of Agricultural Economics

Found 10 papers in total
Reallocating sugar beet contracts: can sugar production survive in Denmark?
The reform of the EU sugar regime involves significant price reductions for sugar and...
Farm-based modelling of the EU sugar reform: impact on Belgian sugar beet suppliers
A mathematical programming model, calibrated on individual farm data, is used to...
Incentive systems for food quality control with repeated deliveries: Salmonella control in pork production
This paper presents a dynamic principal–agent analysis of incentive systems for...
Gains from quota trade: theoretical models and an application to the Danish fishery
We provide a framework for evaluating potential effects of introducing tradable quotas...
Farmland prices, structural breaks and panel data
Previous time series evidence has indicated that farmland prices and cash rents are...
Multiple objectives and perceptions of optimal management: the Danish industrial fishery in the North Sea
Fisheries management involves many stakeholders with different opinions about how the...
Estimating technical efficiency under unobserved heterogeneity with stochastic frontier models: application to northern German dairy farms
This article uses panel data estimation techniques to examine technical efficiency of...
Capturing structural changes in French meat and fish demand over the period 1991–2002
A time-varying coefficient demand system, the Markov switching almost ideal demand...
A safety-first approach to dynamic cropping decisions
A risk-sensitive optimal flexible cropping plan for spring barley in southeastern...
Modeling optimal grain-marketing decisions when prices are generated autoregressively
A model is developed to find decision rules that maximise expected utility of income...
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