Journal: JRSS(A)

Found 7 papers in total
How not to measure the efficiency of public services (and how one might)
The single-input case of the ‘technical efficiency’ theory of M.J. Farrell...
Causal variables, indicator variables and measurement scales: An example from quality of life
There is extensive literature on the development and validation of multi-item...
New methods for comparing literacy across populations: Insights from the measurement of poverty
This paper analyses levels of low literacy across 12 countries by using the...
Modelling consumers' use of products
Patterns of consumers' use of products are of interest to manufacturers. This paper is...
Stochastic models of geriatric patient bed occupancy behaviour
This paper considers a census approach to the modelling of the time that geriatric...
Selecting treatments: A decision theoretic approach
The paper looks at the problem of comparing two treatments, for a particular...
Measurement of capital usage in Nigerian industries
The measurement of capital usage has engaged the attention of economists for a long...
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