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Journal: International Journal of Police Science and Management
6 papers
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Knowledge management in law enforcement: knowledge views for patrolling police officers
Gottschalk Petter
This paper describes and classifies different types of knowledge that are a part of...
Predicting crime scene attendance
Townsley Michael
This paper ascertains the feasibility of using a data mining supervised learning...
Evaluating police department policy decisions using a simulation model of sworn officer deployment
Place Jerry
In this paper we describe a simulation model built to study police manpower planning...
The city and the police force: analysing relative efficiency in city police precincts with data envelopment analysis
Barros Carlos Pestana
This paper analyses the efficiency of the Lisbon police force precincts with a 2-stage...
Closing the (protective services) gap: why size does matter when determining optimal Level 2 service delivery
Townsley Michael
The September 2005 review of policing structure in England and Wales by Her Majesty's...
Policing performance: The impact of performance measures and targets on police forces in England and Wales
Loveday Barry
This paper considers the impact of performance management and the application of...
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