Journal: Mathematical Sciences

Found 18 papers in total
Generalized parallelepiped method for parallelization of cycles of programs
Sufficient conditions for partition of nested loops on independent parts are suggested...
Different types of constraint qualification in parametrical mathematical programmmg
A constraint qualification of constant rank and metrical regularity are studied. It is...
Optimization of tiling for mapping of algorithms onto distributed memory supercomputers strategy
A problem of tiling optimization for mapping of algorithms onto distributed memory...
Relaxation polytope generated by the cone of the Supnick matrices for the symmetric traveling salesman problem
A relaxation polytope is constructed for the traveling salesman problem in a space of...
Plain subgraphs of topological graph K5
We consider graph K 5 , for which we find all nonisomorphic planar and rectilinear...
Algorithms of organization of data exchange during realization affine loop nests on distributed memory parallel computers
The problem of organization of communications for implementation programs on...
Open-loop and closed-loop solutions of linear-convex optimal control problem with terminal restriction
An optimal control problem for a linear nonstationary system is under consideration....
Construction of optimal open-loop control for a disturbed dynamical system with unknown input unit parameters
A guaranteed optimisation problem of a linear dynamical system with unknown...
Plain subgraphs of some geometric graphs
The article deals with the cases of existence of noncrossing subgraphs in complements...
Linear algorithm for computing a minimum weighted vertex cover in a k-terminal recursively constructed hypergraph
Informally, a recursive hypergraph class is one in which any sufficiently large member...
Finding the optimal order for processing two conflict jobs
The two-machine flow-shop scheduling problem with uncertain and bounded processing...
Topological properties and separability of directional convex sets
A generalized convexity (OC-convexity) consisting of the intersections of conic...
Differentiability of solutions to parametric optimal control systems with delay
For parametric linear–quadratic optimal control systems with delay, properties...
On second-order local minimum conditions for smooth optimization problems with abstract constraints
For the problem of minimizing a twice Freshet differentiable function f: X → R...
Optimal investment strategies in financial asset portfolios
By the scheme offered by Merton the problem of the financial asset portfolio...
Statistical analysis of a change point in a binary symmetric Markov chain
The problems of statistical analysis of change points in binary symmetric Markov...
Quadratic assignment problem: reaching the solution on the given permutations
Restrictions for the input data of the quadratic assignment problem are described...
On a case of directional convexity
The generalized convexity (OC-convexity) which consists of the intersections of conic...
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